A comprehensive school management software designed for better interaction between ..
We are offering both functional and technical training from our Training premises and at our Customer sites,
To rapidly assess your requirements and effort, SSI offers an on-site assessment of your requirements, ..
SSI has a off-shore facility center in India with right resources with strong Off-shore Project managers who can coordinate with...
Suriya Systems Inc
3375 Scott Blvd, Suite 320
Santa Clara,
CA - 95054
Phone: 408-689-7691
Fax : 408-689-2119
Email : hris@suriyasystems.com
Suriya Systems Pvt Ltd.,
No: 6A , 6B - Arunachalam Road
Chennai 600 093.
Phone: +91 44 42642181, +91 44 42642180
Email : hris@suriyasystems.com